To most acquaintances I answer "fine" because they are usually just asking to be polite but they either don't have the time to hear everything or they don't really want to hear. So I respect the social obligation of acknowledging their concern and extend the courtesy of letting them off the hook of having to hear the long sad story.
To extended family and others close to me I may offer a tidbit of an emotional response because I know they can relate but at the same time I am careful not to burden anyone with the heaviness of the pain.
To my wife and kids I share my pain with a healthy attitude while reassuring them that I am strong enough to feel this pain while maintaining our household.
To my pillow at night I feel sorrow that lays very heavy on my chest and takes my breath away.
I am unresolved about my parents dying. I am lost in life without a rudder. I am angry that I have been robbed of them. I am angry at God for circumstances beyond my control. I am angry at myself for circumstances within my control. I am angry at them for taking circumstances out of my control. I cant be strong all the time anymore. I didn't realize how much I was bottling this up. It has to come out in other ways than headaches and feeling run down all the time.
I trust Romans 8:28. It is life to me. My response to my circumstances may be all too human at times but I do know that God is in control, and that all things work together for my good. I am learning how to walk in the role of patriarch for my family. It is new territory for me. I am suddenly the go-to guy for my lineage. I have many siblings of course, but within the context of my downward lineage, I am the man. That is a role that I feel ill-equipped to walk in, but God thrives on working outside of our comfort zones.
I regret that I did not know my parents better. I was always waiting for my life to be better so I could feel like I had something worth showing them. It seems that my only relationship with them was either having them bail me out of a difficulty, or trying to reassure them that I am doing ok when I really wasn't. I know that was probably just in my own mind. My embarrassment around them probably fed resentment in them for only seeing me when I needed something. Truthfully, I just got tired of every conversation with them having to be about my finances. I wanted my relationship with them to be about more than money concerns.
Honestly, I don't mind being poor. I find humble surroundings kind of comforting actually. God has used these times to strengthen my faith in Him as Jevovah Jireh. I am grateful for how intimately I know this aspect of God.
My parents had different values. It's understandable that they wanted to be reassured of my financial success, not only for their peace of mind, but for the peace of their wallet. That fault lies with me. I ran to them far too often when I should have been waiting on God. No doubt God used my parents to accomplish His faithfulness but I can't help but wonder what my life spoke to them about who God is.
I wish I could know that they were able to respect me. I was able to build a better relationship with my Dad in the last 3 years before he died. We talked politics, computers, religion, and certain traits that we shared in common. He still bailed me out too often but he had a tenderness in the process that I had not seen in 38 years prior. It was wonderful building on this relationship with him. I was starting to see the "swell Mel" who was often talked about but never seen. But now that is gone. What I had with him will not be built upon. I was just starting to get to know this man for the first time in my life and now I am left with only the memory of what little I had with him.
My Mom and I had a hard time finding things to talk about. Phone conversations were always awkward. There was so much silence as we struggled for things to say. I am not sure why that was. Maybe we just had two very different personalities. Maybe we both wanted to talk about ourselves ad nausium but found no audience in each other. Whatever the case there is no going back to fix that relationship. It's not like I didn't want to be around her. I loved her. I just always felt like I was hard for her to tolerate.
I have a hope that I will see them again and that the reunion will be joyful. I don't harbor bad feelings about either of them. It was what it was. I am grateful for having known them.
SO, how am I doing?
I'm fine
I trust Romans 8:28. It is life to me. My response to my circumstances may be all too human at times but I do know that God is in control, and that all things work together for my good. I am learning how to walk in the role of patriarch for my family. It is new territory for me. I am suddenly the go-to guy for my lineage. I have many siblings of course, but within the context of my downward lineage, I am the man. That is a role that I feel ill-equipped to walk in, but God thrives on working outside of our comfort zones.
I regret that I did not know my parents better. I was always waiting for my life to be better so I could feel like I had something worth showing them. It seems that my only relationship with them was either having them bail me out of a difficulty, or trying to reassure them that I am doing ok when I really wasn't. I know that was probably just in my own mind. My embarrassment around them probably fed resentment in them for only seeing me when I needed something. Truthfully, I just got tired of every conversation with them having to be about my finances. I wanted my relationship with them to be about more than money concerns.
Honestly, I don't mind being poor. I find humble surroundings kind of comforting actually. God has used these times to strengthen my faith in Him as Jevovah Jireh. I am grateful for how intimately I know this aspect of God.
My parents had different values. It's understandable that they wanted to be reassured of my financial success, not only for their peace of mind, but for the peace of their wallet. That fault lies with me. I ran to them far too often when I should have been waiting on God. No doubt God used my parents to accomplish His faithfulness but I can't help but wonder what my life spoke to them about who God is.
I wish I could know that they were able to respect me. I was able to build a better relationship with my Dad in the last 3 years before he died. We talked politics, computers, religion, and certain traits that we shared in common. He still bailed me out too often but he had a tenderness in the process that I had not seen in 38 years prior. It was wonderful building on this relationship with him. I was starting to see the "swell Mel" who was often talked about but never seen. But now that is gone. What I had with him will not be built upon. I was just starting to get to know this man for the first time in my life and now I am left with only the memory of what little I had with him.
My Mom and I had a hard time finding things to talk about. Phone conversations were always awkward. There was so much silence as we struggled for things to say. I am not sure why that was. Maybe we just had two very different personalities. Maybe we both wanted to talk about ourselves ad nausium but found no audience in each other. Whatever the case there is no going back to fix that relationship. It's not like I didn't want to be around her. I loved her. I just always felt like I was hard for her to tolerate.
I have a hope that I will see them again and that the reunion will be joyful. I don't harbor bad feelings about either of them. It was what it was. I am grateful for having known them.
SO, how am I doing?
I'm fine